You Are Your Own Healthcare Provider
We cannot afford to continue on this path! Not only are we aware of the suffering quality of life both physically and emotionally, but financially.
We financially cannot continue doing what we’re doing by living how we’re living. More people need to start making simple changes to their DAILY lives starting NOW or we’re PHUCKED.
Do: Know that you ARE responsible for your own health. Every single thing you consume (air, literature, food, liquid, music, emotional energy, etc.) is going to have a DIRECT effect on your wellbeing.
You do have the ability to make small changes. You do have the ability to be healthy. You can start NOW. However small that change is.
Don’t: Assume that your small changes don’t matter, they do! Every attempt at a healthier day, week, month, etc. will have a direct impact on your overall WELLBEING.
We also want to outright proclaim that this statement is intended for all those who are able bodied and can make changes without risk to their current health condition. This message is in no way intended to shame, exclude, blame or segregate any individual in our community unable to live the life they want to live. This is a very direct statement to all humans that we need to wake up and start now.
Continuum Performance Center | CPC | Common Fault Thursday | Be About It