Age is Just a Number Baby
Your age is NOT an excuse! You can still maintain a healthy, wellness lifestyle for yourself.
Do: Recognize it is NOT going to be as easy to be fit and healthy as you age, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't prioritize it. Taking care of ourselves is not selfish. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Being well allows us to be responsive, supporting, loving, caring and effectively present to everyone else in our lives. It creates possibilities.
Don't: Think that it cannot be done. New lifestyle activity. Relationship with food. Change energy level. Try on a new skill. All of it is possible. Sadly we have moved to accept that once we reach a certain age, it just can't happen anymore. Bullshit! Your body is an amazing organism that will respond and react to the behavioral and environmental conditions in which it is taught. If you don't like where you are. Move your damn feet. We can help!