Exercise Speed - Slow Down
When you’re exercising, you need to make sure you slow the f\*\*k down!
Do: Make sure you are consciously moving throughout your range of motion. Think of it like a game of “musical chairs.” You’re training at a speed in which you can make the decision to stop and control at all points throughout the range of motion (ROM). This doesn’t mean that you should never explode or bound out of the bottom of a rep, but it does mean you shouldn’t be doing it for EVERY set and rep.
Don’t: Be in a rush in the set and don’t be discouraged if using a controlled speed has you lifting a little bit less weight initially. This is a training effect that will get better with prolonged exposure. Think of measuring the work done by the total time you spend under tension (check our story to be brought back to our Common Fault on tempo) vs only the total number of reps executed.
As always, if you have questions, ask us!