So it seems lately that all I talk about is food during my blog posts. This week is no different, just going to keep the food train a-rollin'! Plus it fits in with my current course of study aaand I kinda used to be considered the "food guy" around here anyway, fell off that wagon but I guess it's time to get back on.
Anyway, what I wanted to speak to this time was all of the different meal delivery services that are out there. Believe me when I say that my wife and I have tried a bunch of them, current count is at 6, but I think there may be 1-2 that I'm forgetting. Somebody said to me the other day "I ask you because I value your opinion Mr. Smith", I thought that was nice and I appreciate that some of you value what I have to say. If you don't, well tough, here's my opinion anyway.
So like I said I have…..sorry we (wife included), have tried a lot of these meal services, and to put it simply they are all pretty good. I don't think that there was a single one that WE were like "Holy shit this stuff sucks", yes some of them are better than others but the thing is that there are a few different variables that can factor into your thoughts or opinions of one versus the other. Here are some of the things that we found were important factors when choosing our favorites.
So in the end my wife and I have been really liking the most recent one that we have tried, being, TB12/Purple Carrot. I know, Tom Brady, Pat's fans, vegan eating, pliability, blah, blah, blah - but the food is really pretty damn good. It's on the higher end of the price scale, most of them being around $60 for 6 total meals, 3 recipes serving 2 people per recipe and this one being $72. BUT I think the quality of the food, organic, non-gmo, gluten free, etc and the quality of the recipes is awesome. There are some things that we were send that I've never had before but was delicious, Jack Fruit, what the hell is a Jack Fruit? Delicious is what it is, especially in a taco!
Some positives and some negatives to this whole industry that has seemed to explode over the last couple of years. My advice, do a little research on each one, talk to people that have tried them, just order a bunch of them like I did and find the one you like best and works for you. These places are literally giving away free food, usually your first meals are either highly discounted or in some cases even free, who doesn't like free food.
If you have any questions about any of these types of companies other than the ones I mentioned here, there are about 4-5 others that I didn't talk about, totally let me know. Reach out with any questions and I can give you some feed back. I love it, less time in the grocery store, less waste, healthier meals, convenient, easy, affordable, and delicious. Go try one out.