As someone who has eaten a plant-based diet for almost four years, I have heard many people tell me that they have tried to go vegan or vegetarian in the past but felt off after doing it for a little while. People will give it a go for a week or so but revert back to their meat-eating ways for a number of reasons. Changes are to be expected, however, when they aren’t smooth changes, some people think that their food choices aren’t working well, but it is oftentimes your body responding to the change in environment. Today I’m going to discuss what can be expected when you decide to transition away from animal products and towards a plant-based diet.
When it comes to taking meat out of your diet, some people have the idea that they will only see positive changes immediately following this choice. While those positive changes are definitely part of the deal, so is an adjustment period for your body. When you drink alcohol, you can expect an unpleasant morning the following day. How unpleasant that morning is all depends on how much alcohol you consumed the night before. The more alcohol, the worse the hangover. Most people understand that arrangement and still choose to drink, accepting that they may get hungover (I’m guilty of it myself). For this situation, however, we can look at animal products as the “alcohol” and at the period after quitting animal products as your “hangover.” The length and intensity of this hangover will be greater if you are a heavy meat consumer. The good news is that this hangover will come to an end and you will start to feel the benefits of a plant-based diet within a few weeks. It’s also important to keep in mind that not everyone will experience all or even any of these symptoms. Here are some symptoms of this hangover:
Now that we got all of the negatives out of the way, I’d like to repeat that not everyone will go through the above symptoms. Everyone is different, with different diets, lifestyles, and digestive systems so your experience is your own. Also, don’t let these symptoms deter you from trying out a plant-based diet. As we’re about to discuss, there are many benefits to eating a plant-based diet. Here’s what you can expect in the long term when consuming a plant-based diet:
These lists are just to give you a baseline idea of what to expect but since we are all different, everyone’s experience will be different. Now that you know what to expect from eating a plant-based diet, here are a few tips that I have found to be helpful:
Those are just a few to get you started. Just keep in mind that this is your own experience, so you are in control. Keep your goals in mind and you’ll do great!