As many of you know Mike’s away on vacation. He has generously passed on to me his weekly CSA pick up while he is away and even gave me a few items this past week. Today’s blog isn’t about Mike’s generosity, even though I’m pretty pumped to get fresh, locally grown veggies for the next 2 weeks. Today’s blog isn’t even about the ability, we as consumers have to support local farmers.
The unknown of CSA is what makes pick up day so much fun. You can receive everything from a very common zucchini to an uncommon Kohlrabi.
Today’s blog is about a curious item I received with in the CSA pick up. Kohlrabi. I’d like to say that I had knew what it was and what it looked like when Mike said he was leaving it for me, but I couldn’t. In fact my initial reaction was, “What the heck is that?”. Mike shrugged and told me to shred it and put it in a coleslaw. Wanting a better idea of what I was receiving and how I could do something other than a slaw I immediately did a Google search for recipes and origin.
The unknown of CSA is what makes pick up day so much fun. You can receive everything from a very common zucchini to an uncommon Kohlrabi. The uncommon items encourage you to learn more about your food. Creativity is a must to use the items in a delicious combination or creation of your own.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with Kohlrabi as I was, a quick Google search taught me that it’s a member of the cabbage family; known as a German Cabbage. Kohl is German for “Cabbage”. Who knew? (It brings a whole new meaning when you go shopping at Kohl’s. Just saying.) Kohlrabi can be eaten raw or cooked after the outer skin has been peeled. The bulb tastes similar taste to that of broccoli stems and the leaves can be substituted for collards or kale. Waste not; want not.
Along with my “extensive” search I found a recipe for Kohlrabi and Carrot Fritters. The recipe require some hands on time, but the end product will be one that I know enjoy making and eating from start to finish. Below is the recipe and the blog site I found it at.
It is my hope that as a result of my blog you set aside some time to do one of the following…
1. Grab a kohlrabi and start whipping up some NEW delicious recipes.
2. Pick up a NEW vegetable at your local farmers market or from your CSA’s selection that causes you to raise an eyebrow and wonder what you’d do with it. This is the BEST time of year to experiment with local vegetables.
3. Look into joining a CSA. Supporting local agriculture and knowing your food source doesn’t get much easier. Plus it’s like Christmas every week!
Kohlrabi & Carrot Fritters with Avocado Cream Sauce
Taken From: A Couple That Cooks
What You Need
What To Do