Workout that is!! It’s that time of year again when our schedules are a mess. We’re traveling, on vacation, and bouncing from place to place. "How are your workouts going?” “Not good I’m so busy, I’ve been traveling, the kids this the kids that, I just can’t find the time…” “BLAH BLAH BLAH, everyone is busy, everyone has shit going on, make the time get it in, no excuses!!” To put it bluntly.
For those of you that don’t have the time, I’ve put together a few of my favorite ways to get a quick workout in when time is crunched. Remember, do what you can. Something is better than nothing and it's good to just move.
If you have your own suspension trainer or rip trainer, that's great! You’ll be that much further ahead of the game (as long as you remember to pack it for your vacation) and there is so much more you can add to a quick workout. If you don't own one, no sweat. You can still get a great workout in. Below is a short list of exercises you can pretty much do anywhere, followed by 3 “templates” for workouts that will take 20-30 minutes to complete. It's all plug and play, so add what you want into the template and you've got yourself a workout.
Push Ups
Step Ups
Wall Sit
Seal Jacks
Plank Thruster
Sit Ups
SL Hinges
Inch Worms
Mt. Climbers
High Knees
Leg Lifts
Turkish Get Up
Jumping Jacks
Cycle Jumps
Body Roll
Squat Jumps
Split Squats
Floor Jacks
Three Way Lunge
Lastly, don't be afraid to use a jump rope. It’s a great exercise and so easy to pack and transport. Don't forget to utilize hotel gyms. A lot of times they don’t have much but you can do a lot with a couple of dumbbells. Be creative!
So there ya go! Have fun! No excuses!